Design alternative to classic ceiling systems in order to create new possibilities in ceiling design. Modular metal false ceiling can be installed in standard suspended T-bar ceiling systems, and also in concealed suspension frameworks, achieving a uniform effect while ensuring easy access and servicing of concealed installations. Metal modular suspended ceiling is available in standard sizes, and tiles are also offered in various dimensions according to the project’s structural or aesthetic requirements.
Simplicity and laconism in ceiling design. Metal staves can be easily and quickly assembled, facilitating easy access for the maintenance of concealed communications. They also allow the designer to customise the interior by choosing various modular sizes in a wide range of colours. Each modular suspended ceiling element can be easily removed from its supporting ceiling structure. Staves can be installed at different levels and directions.
A simple yet creative solution for suspended ceiling. Suitable for any project requirements to implement open-type modular suspended ceilings. Aluminium open cell ceilings come in a wide range of cell dimensions and colour varieties. A smart way to create a continuous effect and achieve a geometric form.